Oil extraction plant reconstruction for increasing capacity up to 1,500 t / day of sunflower seeds. The project included: supply of seven MCC switchboards to control the loads of dehulling, pressing departments, as well as an MCC switchboard for the extraction departments.
Okken is the foundation for bold design decisions
We proposed to implement the project using Okken withdrawable drawers.
The use of Okken as a system made it possible to solve several problems at once:
Okken low-voltage switchgear has a modular design, which makes it easy to change or upgrade in case of a technological process development.
The switchboard was designed with free slots to add new functions or extra motor feeders, even at the last minute
The Okken LV switchboards incorporate the best safety and protection systems, preventing on-load operation to guarantee safety operation and maintenance
Live parts are protected by screens guaranteeing an IP20 degree of protection.
More than 350 distribution and motor feeders drawers
We used versatility solutions, typical schemes, and drawers dimensions to reduce possible variations during the manufacturing of MCC switchboards
This made it possible to reduce the number of reserve drawers number and reduce downtime and time for searching for suitable drawers for the scheme and size.
Withdrawable drawers for all mechanisms
Withdrawable drawers allow to upgrade switchboard with power on, without interruption of service, and completely safely
Drawers have three positions:
Switchboard configurations and settings are made on the front face
Simple marking system
Each drawer has a marking plate with the type of the scheme, power and technological mechanism designation.
ATS in withdrawable cubicle
Following the principles of high maintainability and reduced downtime, we developed an Automatic Transfer Switch scheme (ATS) in a withdrawable unit and successfully implemented this solution in one of the MCC switchboard.